
Showing posts from May, 2022

Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to issue you a transfer certificate.

01 Mar 2022  The Headmaster River View High School  Khulna Sub: Application for a transfer certificate.  Dear Sir, With due respect, I like to inform you that I am astudent of Class 10 of your school. I have been in your school for four years.  Recently my father who is a government officer has been transferred form Rangpur to jashore.  My family has already been shifted to jashore.  Now, it is not possible for me to continue my studies in your school.  So, I need a transfer certificate to get myself admitted into a school in jashore. I, therefore, hope that you would kindly issue me transfer certificate and oblige thereby. Sincerely yours, Rafid Ahammed  Class-10, Roll-10

All Class Email Sub : Congratulation for your brilliant success

  From : ra********************* To : p******************* sent : Friday May 27,2022 : 8:00 am sub : Congratulation for your brilliant success My Dear, At first take my love. I hope you are fine. I am also fine by the grace of Almighty Allah. I am very glad to hear that i got your email yesterday you wanted to know i have come to know that you have got A+ in your SSC exam. Congratulation for your brilliant success. I hope you will do the same short of result in your future. No more today. Best wish to you and your family. Take care of your health. Your loving Rafid Ahammed এই একটা email দিয়ে যে কোনো  email লিখুন
html Code For Facebook Home Page  < div  class ="container" >    < form  action ="/action_page.php" >      < div  class ="row" >        < h2  style ="text-align:center" > Login with Social Media or Manually < /h2 >        < div  class ="vl" >          < span  class ="vl-innertext" > or < /span >        < /div >        < div  class ="col" >          < a  href ="#"  class ="fb btn" >            < i  class ="fa fa-facebook fa-fw" > < /i >  Login with Facebook          < /a >          < a ...